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Avocado toast & burrata

343 reviews

On ne peut jamais dire non à un avocado toast, surtout quand il y a de la burrata dessus !

Camille U.
Camille U.
Very easy
B Nutri-scoreA Eco-score

4 minutes

Prep time

667 cal.

Per serving






Step 1

Épluchez puis émincez finement les échalotes.

Cilantro (fresh)

Step 2

Lavez puis émincez finement la coriandre.

Country bread (sliced)

Step 3

Faites griller les tranches de pain au grille pain ou au four.

Cilantro (fresh)

Step 4

Pendant ce temps, écrasez l'avocat dans un bol. Ajoutez le jus de citron, du sel, du poivre, la coriandre puis mélangez.


Step 5

Étalez le mélange à l'avocat sur les tranches de pain. Disposez ensuite les morceaux de burrata par-dessus et les échalotes émincées. Ajoutez un filet d'huile d'olive, salez, poivrez, puis décorez avec de la coriandre s'il vous en reste. C'est prêt !

Personal notes

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Nutrition facts

Average estimated amount for one serving

Energy667 cal.
Fat45 g
Carbohydrates49 g
Protein17 g
Fiber12 g

Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.

On average, one serving of the recipe "Avocado toast & burrata" contains 667 Energy, 45 g of Fat, 49 g of Carbohydrates, 17 g of Protein, 12 g of Fiber.

Price per portion

Nos recettes à -2 € par portion
€€Nos recettes entre 2 € et 4 € par portion
€€€Nos recettes à +4 € par portion

Please note, the price above is dependent on your grocer and the available products in the grocery store you chose.


B Nutri-scoreA Eco-score

B Nutri-score

The Nutri-score is an indicator intended for understanding nutritional information. Recipes or products are classified from A to E according to their food composition to promote (fiber, proteins, fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc.) and foods to limit (energy, saturated fatty acids, sugars, salt, etc.).

A Eco-score

The Eco-score is an indicator representing the environmental impact of food products. The recipes or products are classified from A to E. It takes into account several factors on the pollution of air, water, oceans, soil, as well as the impacts on the biosphere. These impacts are studied throughout the product life cycle.

Scores computed by

343 reviews
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Avocado toast & burrata