This isn't an easy dish but there's unrivaled comfort in each mouthful.
Oven, Frying pan, Pot (small), Stovetop
Step 1
Peel and cut the potatoes in cubes.
Step 2
Cook the potatoes in boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes.
Step 3
Épluchez et émincez les échalotes.
Step 4
Hachez grossièrement les noisettes à l'aide d'un couteau.
Step 5
Hachez grossièrement les cuisses de canard en enlevant le gras.
Step 6
Ajoutez un peu de graisse de canard dans une poêle chaude. Ajoutez les échalotes et faites-les revenir 2 minutes à feu vif.
Step 7
Ajoutez le confit de canard dans la poêle. Salez, poivrez et faites revenir 3 minutes à feu vif.
Step 8
Après 20 minutes de cuisson, vérifiez que les pommes de terre sont bien cuites et égouttez-les.
Step 9
Put the strained potatoes in a large bowl, add a bit of butter, hot milk, nutmeg, and season. Mash with a masher.
Step 10
Ajoutez le beurre, le lait et écrasez en purée avec une fourchette ou un presse-purée.
Step 11
Put the duck meat in an oven-proof dish. Add a layer of potato on top.
Step 12
Sprinkle hazelnuts and put under the grill for 10 minutes.
Step 13
Serve with a dressed green salad.
Personal notes
Add your own flavor!
Nutrition facts
Average estimated amount for one serving
Energy | 610 cal. |
Fat | 34 g |
Carbohydrates | 44 g |
Protein | 29 g |
Fiber | 5 g |
Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.
On average, one serving of the recipe "Duck Parmentier" contains 610 Energy, 34 g of Fat, 44 g of Carbohydrates, 29 g of Protein, 5 g of Fiber.
Price per portion
€ | Nos recettes à -2 € par portion |
€€ | Nos recettes entre 2 € et 4 € par portion |
€€€ | Nos recettes à +4 € par portion |
Please note, the price above is dependent on your grocer and the available products in the grocery store you chose.
A Nutri-score
The Nutri-score is an indicator intended for understanding nutritional information. Recipes or products are classified from A to E according to their food composition to promote (fiber, proteins, fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc.) and foods to limit (energy, saturated fatty acids, sugars, salt, etc.).
B Eco-score
The Eco-score is an indicator representing the environmental impact of food products. The recipes or products are classified from A to E. It takes into account several factors on the pollution of air, water, oceans, soil, as well as the impacts on the biosphere. These impacts are studied throughout the product life cycle.
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