Vegan Pancakes

33 reviews

100% plant-based pancakes that are just as good as the original⁠—maybe even better!

Very easy

10 minutes

Prep time

5 minutes

Cook time

636 cal.

Per serving


Stovetop, Whisk, Frying pan


Baking powder
Non-dairy milk

Step 1

Mix the milk with the baking powder in a bowl. Let sit for 5 minutes.

Flour (all-purpose)
Sugar (granulated)

Step 2

In a separate bowl add the sugar, flour, and a pinch of salt, then mix.

Step 3

Optional: add a pinch of cinammon or vanilla for extra flavor.

Non-dairy milk

Step 4

Mix the contents of the two bowls together using a whisk until you get a smooth batter.

Sunflower oil

Step 5

Next add the oil. Optional: add a tablespoon of orange blossom water if you have some.

Step 6

Heat a pan on medium and lightly grease it.

Step 7

Make your pancakes by pouring a bit of batter into the pan. You can make 1-2 pancakes at a time depending on your pan size.

Step 8

As soon as little bubbles appear on the surface, turn the pancakes over and keep them cooking one to two minutes until they are golden. .

Step 9

Continue until you finish using all the batter. You can also freeze the rest for another breakfast!

Maple syrup

Step 10

Serve with a little maple syrup or fresh fruit. It's ready!

Personal notes

Add your own flavor!

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Nutrition facts

Average estimated amount for one serving

Energy636 cal.
Fat13 g
Carbohydrates112 g
Protein18 g
Fiber6 g

Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.

On average, one serving of the recipe "Vegan Pancakes" contains 636 Energy, 13 g of Fat, 112 g of Carbohydrates, 18 g of Protein, 6 g of Fiber.

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Vegan Pancakes