Smashed Potatoes

404 reviews

You might know mashed potatoes, but have you tried smashed potatoes?


5 minutes

Prep time

25 minutes

Cook time

315 cal.

Per serving


Stovetop, Oven, Pot (small), Parchment paper


Baby potatoes

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 230°C. Cook the potatoes in a pot of boiling water for 10 minutes or until fork tender.

Whole milk yogurt (plain)
Feta cheese (block)
Chives (fresh)

Step 2

Mix the yogurt, feta, salt and pepper in a small bowl and set aside. Optional: Add some chopped chives.

Baby potatoes

Step 3

Once you've boiled the potatoes for 10 minutes, remove them from heat and dry them.

Step 4

Drain the potatoes and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Using the bottom of a glass or a small pot, smash them!

Baby potatoes

Step 5

Add a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for 10 minutes at 230°C, or until golden brown.

Baby potatoes
Feta cheese (block)
Whole milk yogurt (plain)
Chives (fresh)

Step 6

Plate the potatoes and top with the feta-yogurt mixture. Enjoy!

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Nutrition facts

Average estimated amount for one serving

Energy315 cal.
Fat10 g
Carbohydrates50 g
Protein9 g
Fiber5 g

Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.

On average, one serving of the recipe "Smashed Potatoes" contains 315 Energy, 10 g of Fat, 50 g of Carbohydrates, 9 g of Protein, 5 g of Fiber.

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Smashed Potatoes