Apricot & Jam Oat Bars

25 reviews

Oat flakes & a little jam for a gourmet break for any occasion!

Very easy

23 minutes

Prep time

55 minutes

Cook time

1 hour

Resting time

420 cal.

Per serving


Oven, Sheet Tray


Butter (unsalted)

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Soften the butter in the microwave for 15 seconds.

Flour (all-purpose)
Sugar (granulated)
Rolled oats

Step 2

In a bowl, add the flour, sugar, soft butter and oatmeal. Mix everything until you get a sandy paste.

Step 3

Place half of the dough in a rectangular mold lined with baking paper. Flatten the dough on the bottom of the mold and on 1 to 2 cm on the edges.

Apricot jam

Step 4

Add the jam on top of the dough and spread it with the back of a spoon (use the jam of your choice).

Step 5

Sprinkle the remaining batter on top. Bake for 55 minutes at 180°C, until the pastry is lightly golden.

Step 6

Once cooked, remove the dish from the oven and let it cool (at least 1 hour).

Step 7

Cut the oatmeal bars into squares and serve. It's ready !

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Nutrition facts

Average estimated amount for one serving

Energy420 cal.
Fat24 g
Carbohydrates47 g
Protein4 g
Fiber3 g

Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.

On average, one serving of the recipe "Apricot & Jam Oat Bars" contains 420 Energy, 24 g of Fat, 47 g of Carbohydrates, 4 g of Protein, 3 g of Fiber.

25 reviews
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Apricot & Jam Oat Bars